Solar Bracket
Screw Pile
Solar Bracket

Solar Bracket

What System Features of Ground screw double column structure?

1. The bracket adopts double round tubecolumn structure, the main keel and the secondary keel are U-shaped steel, andthe stability is superior.2. The foundation uses spiral piles, whichcan be reused.3. The column and the pile are connected bya top bolt, which enables stepless adjustment the installation and use isflexible.4.It can be applied to complex terrainssuch as flat land and mountains, and is not affected by seasonal temperatures.It has various flexible combination, has less land occupation,5.easy to disassemble, does not affect thereuse of the installation land, and can maximize land utilization

What System Features of Wind-resistant structure - (pipe column)?

1. The bracket adopts a three-columnstructure, the primary keel is a rectangular tube, and the secondary keel isC-shaped steel, it can maximize the use of the rigidity of the material.2. The foundation uses spiral piles, whichare low in cost and can be reused.3. The column and the pile are connected byflange4. Suitable for coastal areas with highwind pressure5. Larger space below, does not affectplanting crops

What System Features of Agricultural light complementary structure?

1. Use prefabricated pile foundation, theconstruction speed is fast, no need to fill the excavation, only simple fieldleveling is needed.2. The requirements for terrain are low,and are mostly used for geological soil, cohesive soil, fill soil, collapsibleloess and other geology.3. Mainly applicable to fishing light andagriculture light complementary photovoltaic power station4. Disadvantages: construction accuracy isnot high, verticality is not easy to guarantee